I'm New

Welcome to Immanuel Lutheran Church! We're glad you're here. We want to provide you will all of the information you need to know as our guest.

Our Beliefs

Our Mission Statement: As for me and my house we will serve the Lord in how we LOVE, in how we LIVE, and in how we GIVE.

Meet Our Pastor

Immanuel is currently in the process of calling a new Senior Pastor.

Worship Schedule


Worship @ 9:00 am

Follow us on Facebook for updates to our schedule and events.

Join us at Immanuel for Sunday Worship. Our service is also livestreamed on our YouTube page.

What to Expect

Here you can find some information about your first visit. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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Find Us

Immanuel Lutheran Church
512 5th St. NE
Independence, IA 50644