Here at Immanuel Lutheran Church we provide opportunities for all ages to grow in their faith. We encourage members to serve the Lord in the way they love, in how they live, and in how they give.
Sunday School is a great opportunity for your children to learn and grow in their faith. Sunday School takes place at 10:15 am during the school year.
Register here for Sunday School! We ask that you register each year so we can be sure to have accurate information.
Please follow us on Facebook for updates.
Immanuel Lutheran Church VBS
We had a very successful SCUBA VBS in 2024! We look forward to seeing you next year! Dates will be posted soon so you can be sure to get them on your calendar. Registration details will be posted in the spring.
SWAG is the 5th and 6th grade youth group at Immanuel. We meet every Wednesday from 3:30-5:00pm. Transportation from West Elementary is provided.
During our time together, we will have a snack, share highs and lows, do an activity or game, and learn about a Bible scripture.
Register here for SWAG!
To receive messages and updates regarding SWAG, text @SWAG2425 to 81010
Please join the REMIND text group and follow us on Facebook for updates.
BLAST is the 7-8th grade youth group. We meet every Wednesday from 7:00-8:30pm with an emphasis on serving and growing together.
Register here for BLAST!
To receive messages and updates regarding BLAST, text @BLAST2425 to 81010
Please join the REMIND text group and follow us on Facebook for updates.
7-8th graders participate in confirmation classes on select Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:00 pm grade during the first hour of BLAST. Confirmation students are then able to join BLAST for the remaining half hour.
To receive messages and updates regarding FORCE, text @ilcconfirm to 81010
FORCE is Immanuel's High School youth group.
We typically meet on Sunday nights from 7:00-9:00pm. We also have scheduled service projects and recreational activities throughout the months.
Register here for FORCE!
To receive messages and updates regarding FORCE, text @FORCE2425 to 81010
Please join the REMIND text group and follow us on Facebook for updates.
There are many ministires available at Immanuel for adults to get involved.
Wednesday Morning Coffee & Conversation at Em’s
7:00 for the men & 9:00 for the ladies
Friday Morning Bible Study
We are working through the Bible together and learning more about each other. Please grab your Bible and join us in the Fireside Room from 9:00-10:00 am on Friday mornings.
WELCA is the women’s ministry organization of the ELCA ( It is separately incorporated and is not an auxiliary of the church. It is financially independent and responsible for its own financial affairs. Financial support comes from individual and group offerings and gifts.
As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world.
To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
Mission: Discipleship
To promote a variety of learning experiences that strengthen each woman as a whole person, develop her potential, and equip her for ministry.
Mission: Stewardship
To allow opportunities for women to boldly act on their faith through offerings, in-kind gifts, service, and leadership.
Mission: Justice
To enable each woman to value herself and others as created in God’s image and redeemed through Christ and to build up and celebrate relationships that are global, diverse, and interdependent.
Opportunities for Service, Study and Fellowship:
- Circles meet monthly for growth through Bible Study and Fellowship
- Fellowship through special social events for women
- Serving through Mission: Community events such as providing food, entertainment, and volunteers to the nursing homes in Independence
- Providing food for and serving at funerals
- Giving offerings for Church wide ministry, state and local benevolences.
- Gather, a magazine for growth for faith and mission, is published by Women of the ELCA. A leader’s guide is included in the monthly Bible study.
- Serving various functions as requested by the church council.
- Participation in the organization and programs of the Cluster, Synod, and the national Church.
Join Us
Welcome to Immanuel Lutheran Church. Are you looking for something different? A place to belong? Join us at Immanuel Lutheran Church. We would be happy to have you join our church family.
Scrip Cards
Shop with Scrip to support the many ministries at Immanuel. Order online at or through the RaiseRight app. Contact the church office for the enrollment code so Immanuel gets the credit when you're shopping!