About Us
Immanuel is an active, growing, and energetic congregation. While we don't take ourselves too seriously, we take the work of the Church very seriously. We offer three different worship times (from Labor Day to Memorial Day, during the summer we cut back to just two services). Each service time offers something different so we invite you to try them all out and pick your favorite style. We keep all of our youth busy and continue to find new ways to involve all generations.
We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (www.elca.org) and the Northeast Iowa Synod. (www.neiasynod.org)
Immanuel Lutheran Church was founded in 1861 and first met in a schoolhouse. The first building was built in 1871 and cost a whopping $600 for the building and the lot. In 1976, Immanuel moved into her current building.
Our Beliefs
Our Mission Statement is "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord in how we Love, in how we Live, and in how we Give" but we just talk about how we Love, Live, Give.
We believe that in His infinite power, God created all that was, is, and ever will be.
We believe that in His infinite love, God sent His son Jesus to live among us, die for us, and defeat the power of sin and death so that we might know forgiveness and have eternal life.
We believe that in His infinite wisdom, God gave us His Holy Spirit to guide us, lead us, and give us faith.
We believe in the Triune God.
We believe that God gave us the Holy Scriptures.
We believe that the Communion Table is Christ's Table. If you believe that Christ died for you and that Christ's body and blood are present in the bread and wine then Christ has set a place for you at His feast.
We believe that Holy Baptism is a free gift from God and should be freely given.
It is our desire that what we believe shows up in how we Love, Live, and Give. We have learned to love through the love God has shown us. We try to live in a way that gives thanks and praise to God. We give of ourselves and our stuff, knowing that none of it is ours but all belongs to God.
And we believe that God isn't finished with us yet.
Our Staff

Kathy Hemsath